Hisposition - The Disposition Of A Man
The disposition of a man is multi-faceted. Being subject to the human condition, we’re both strong and weak. Courageous and fearful. Loving and unkind. Grateful and envious. Brilliant and mindless. Honorable and immoral. Saint and sinner. A paradox. The goal of Hisposition is to conduct a deep dive into the struggles men face and provide direction as we maneuver our way through this journey called life.
Hisposition - The Disposition Of A Man
Stay Focused
Terrance L. Moore
Season 1
Episode 35
Distractions are everywhere. Family. Friends. Social media. Television. There’s always someone or something lying in wait to divert your attention from the task at hand. Making time for the people you care about is important, but you’ll never accomplish anything in life if you don’t set boundaries. Your purpose is not to be taken lightly. You must use discernment to know who / what needs your focus and when.
* Transcript available at Hisposition.com